Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Much more post cards =)

This is my second post card showing Jip and Jannike (Children's book illustration TAG), mailed by Kahlan, The Netherlands. I think I'll loan this book from library one day, they seem so cute!

Ina00 from Sweden sent me this Pippi Långstrump post card with matching stamps (Children's boll illatration TAG), I ADORE these, thank You =)

Birthday TAG from Victoria74, USA for my birthday on May 11th! These views are from Oregon. The Birthday stamp was a very great suprise =)

Nice Vehicle TAG (gandareyn from California, USA) showing San Francisco cable car climbing from the Financial District to historic Nob Hill. Colourful Chinese New Year stamps are always welcome!

Boring TAG from Syjo, The Netherlands: I don't think it's boring, I find it interesting post card about Hotel-Cafe-Restaurant de Druiventros in Berkel-Enschout!

DE-18994 from rumble-bee, Germany, thank You=) I do love all animals, well, almost all and dogs are as lovely as cats =)
Mr Einstein looks very intelligent in stamp!

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