Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Teddybears and cat!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Here we are again!
The stamp is Juminda Tuletorn = lighthouse, great one!
Miss-Foxxy, Germany, Berlin (DE-90216)mailed this heart-shaped Berlin post card with panda and funny thing, the postmark is also panda bear!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Official post cards arrived in June
Dolphins from South Africa (TC, ZA-311), I'd like to swin with those great animals... The stamps are just awesome! This is my first post card from Africa!
Michael from Canada (CA-5084) mailed me a mother sea otter holding her sleeping baby, must be the cutest thing in the world! The stamp is from King Kond movie, thank you so must! Michael is very big hockey fan and he cheered for Finland in the Olympic gold medal game against Sweden (and we all know how did it end...)
Native animals in The Alps (AT-2289, astrid2), my first official card from Austria!
FR-3091 from France, leena79. "I'm so cute and tried, please give me a hug!" says the puppy.
(Congratulations France on the great soccer game against Brasilia today although Brasilia was my favourite to win the Cup)
AU-3526 (flerdle, Australia) with darling kangaroo. " The great Kangaroo is the largest living marsupial found only in Australia. It consists of five species. The "joey" (baby) is born premature and finds its way into the female pounch, where it remains for about 235 days."
NL-13400 (tantepost, The Netherlands) breezy seagul post card and bright blue sky!
From Sweden
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
A huge mountain of post cards =)
Church tag (Clover, USA) showing Washington National Cathedral ans Saint Mary's Chapel. At the lesft of the sanctuary is dominated by the poychromed wood reredos carved by Ernest Pelligrini. I like this very peaceful chapel.
Some Christmas spirit to summer heats: Christmas tag from imelda, USA. She told she has started her X-mas shopping! Actually I bought some seasong wrapping papers and ribbons from summer sale =)
Very cool Car tag (Sandwood, Austria, she is known her beautiful handwriting!), it's Salvador Dali's Clothed Automobile, 1941. The stamp is a brand new "legends of Formula I", thank you so much!BKLVRINVA, USA, sent this lovely coloures Lighthouse tag: Pigeon Pint Ligthouse, California. The point itself was actually named for an earlier shipwreck, that of the Carrier Pigeon in 1853. After three more wrecks in the 1860s', the San Mateo County Cazette wrote: "No other one place on the Pacific Coast has proved so fatal to navigators as this locality... all of the vessels that have been lost in the vicinity of Pigeon Point have been lost in consequence of dense fogs which prevented the land from being sighted until the vessels were among the breakers." First lit in 1872, the lighthouse prevented many disasters, but not all. Seen here in 1934.
Thank You card from Laetita, France; the card is from St Tropez and I really like the view and stamp, too! Merci beaucoup! Horse TAG from annika03, Finland with matching stamp! Someday I'll start to ride again...
Pig TAG (Moon, USA). Piggin' out and bacon in the sun, and thinking of you... pretty in pink! Private swap from Arjanne, The Netherlands; thank You for this seal with bushy whiskers =)
Great looking butterfly TAG (Britlyn51, USA). " Polyphemus Moth: This nocturnal moth is one of Kansas' largest amd most beautiful. Although resting here on redbud blossoms, the adult moth does not feed, existing solely for the purpose of mating and egg laying. The adult moths found in the spring, live less than two weeks." So sad...
I request TAG from Susan, New Zealand. Baby seals are allways cute, thank You! From dear meeerisusi (Germany), once again, a lovely I request TAG. The seal is taking a nap with a big smile on his/her face =)
NL-9775 from Catharina, The Netherlands, beautiful red cat with cool stamp € 0,39!
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Arrivals in June
EG-87 (!!!!!) from Hatem, Egypt. He wrote "Aswan and Nubia, this area of Egypt enjous a very rich history and a central role in Egypt's development. There are hundrends of historical sites including some Egypt's most importamt monuments." I'm soooo happy I get this post card =)
Bill from Great Britain (GB-9172)sent this awesome view from autumn coloured Oxford =) My husband really envys this Soccer World Cup stamp but I let him to watch it every now and then... =)
This little Scottie dog barks greetings from Scotland (GB-8271)!
From Rubens (brazil BR-6446), great post card showing the Curituba bothanical garden, and stamps are great too =)
From Kris, The Netherlands, NL-11832 is this lovely post card showing Leidan. In Leidan is the oldest university of Holland.
ES-4942 (my first one from Spain =) ), Santander seems to be a very beautiful place to live!
Colourful pukeko bird from Charliefed (Ne Zealand, NL-4467). "These active and bold native waterbirds are all around the country and will often nest in waterways near roads. A pukeko is easily seen with its red beak and blue feathers."